Balloon, Heart, Love, Romance, Sky
How to make a heart with a cell phone keyboard

 How to make a heart with a cell phone keyboardIt has recently moved closer to the world of technology and has finally bought its first smartphone as well. You are already getting away and have no difficulty writing to friends, surfing the internet, and doing other basic tasks.

Now, however, you've got a little hitch: you might want to know how to make a heart with a cell phone keyboard because you can see this symbol (or rather, this emoji, between characters seen on screen in WhatsApp And in other messaging solutions you use to communicate with others).

Don't worry: If you like, I'm here to help you. In the following paragraphs of this guide, in fact, I will explain how to make a heart with a cell phone keyboard using emojis included in Android and iOS. After that, if you're interested, I'll provide you with useful instructions for making hearts using old emoticons, ASCII codes, or else, heart-shaped emoji creations.

So can you know what you are doing there? Take courage: Get comfortable, all the time you need to focus on reading the following paragraphs and, most importantly, follow the instructions that I will give you step by step. I have nothing else to do, except you read a happy one and above all, have fun!

Table of contents

How to make a heart with android mobile phone keyboard

If you have a cell phone Android at your disposal, you should know that make a heart out of the keyboard. It's not complicated at all - just tap on any area where the text is typed (for example, a messaging app or a text document Of), go to the emoji keyboard, and tap on one of those representing the heart. Let me explain in detail how to do this.

To get started, launch the application that interests you (eg WhatsAppPosts, etc.), touch the writing area it is in and press the emoji keyboard to use the button (usually a representation of it, Smiley face with the icon of and it is located in the lower-left or lower right).

At this point, you should locate the heart emoji. To do this, keep in mind that the vast majority (and not only) of keyboards for Android organize emojis by theme: there are those that refer to nature, objects, daily activities, and so on.

Usually, the section where the heart emoji is present is the one that contains the mood states (and usually the smiley face represented by A ): press, then, on the button that represents it, through a set of emojis Scroll to the symbol of what is proposed to you, identify the heart you like (for example, red heart el broken heart el colored heart el heartbeats, etc.) and that's it.

Unfortunately, I may not be very accurate in instructing you to identify a keyboard section that includes a heart emoji (because it depends on using the keyboard).

How to make a heart with iPhone keyboard

Do you want to know how the heart is made with the iPhone keyboardIn this case, be aware that what is said in the chapter on Android is valid: you must first activate the iOS keyboard, go to the emoji keyboard, and then select the symbols that represent the heart, Which is available.

First, therefore, start the application of your interest (eg. WhatsAppstringsnotes, etc.), tap the writing area located in it, and press the button to use the emoji keyboard or the icon of the smiley face in the lower-left corner of the screen. Found in

In the new keyboard, section displayed, press the button symbols at the bottom right (the icon that represents y y % with the music note symbol ) and select one of the heart symbols from them: the red heart, el colored heart, el heart with a bow, el broken heart, etc.

Alternatively, if you have upgraded your iPhone to iOS 10 or later, you can get Heart by setting the keyboard default on the iPhone by simply typing the word. Heart "and then touching a symbol on the right. Simpler than that?

Note: If you have disabled the emoji keyboard on the iPhone and therefore cannot follow the instructions I gave you on the previous lines, go to the menu Settings> General> Keyboard> Keyboard> Add new keyboard. . And select the text from the Emoji screen which contains the list of available keyboards.

Other useful solutions to make hearts on the phone.

If you want, there are also other useful ways to make your heart on the phoneIn the following lines, for example, I will explain how to do this with a text symbol, ASCII characters, and applications that allow you to use heart-shaped emoji creations. It was fun!

Heart emoticon

A fairly simple and immediate way to represent the heart with a mobile phone keyboard is the smiley it represents <3If you notice it, rotating the symbol to the left by 90 °, it looks like a heart! Did you notice There are even people who use the following methods to express love or heart: (L). Yes. An L in parentheses. L for love, love in English. How romantic!

ASCII characters

You can also use ASCII characters. In other words, writing characters that can contain different shapes (including the heart) can be a great way to include this symbol in your messages and/or personal notes. To use it, all you have to do is copy the ASCII character of the heart from the bottom and paste it freely into the text field of the application of your interest.

4 4 4

Creations of heart-shaped emojis.

If you came up with the goal of creating this guide, heart-shaped emoji creations I guarantee you can do this using ad hoc applications that are somewhat simple to use.

One of the best is ai.EmojiArtFunBox, available free for both Android and iOS. Just a little clarification before I show you how it works. Please note that the presence of emojis may not be in accordance with what is shown in the application, as their design varies depending on the operating system and version in use.

After downloading and starting ai.EmojiArtFunBox on your smartphone, read the tutorial that appears on startup to understand its normal operation, and then tap the button Start to start using it. Then press the button category and play the sound Love and Romance From the menu that opens, to use the gallery which contains heart-shaped emoji creations.

When you find the one you like the most, press the button Copy (icon of both hojas to the right), open the application in which you want to paste the emoji composition of your interest, and paste it (your interest From the menu that opens paste a long tap on the text area of ​​the application and select the item ).

So far, short tutorials on C how to make a heart from a cell phone keyboard.

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