Little Girl, Computer, Portable, Pc
How to open a JNLP file

 How to open the JNLP fileA few days ago, the boss asked him to analyze some files with the help of a specific program already loaded on USB memory. However, once you connect the device to the computer, you notice that the application in question is in the format JNLP, an extension you've never seen before and, as a result, simply can't manage.

To avoid a good conference and get the job assigned to him as quickly as possible, he immediately opened Google in search of information. How to open a JNLP file is right in my guide. Well, I want to tell you immediately that you are in the right place at that time, which could not have been better. However, before continuing, let me give you more information on this subject. The JNLP extension identifies a special type of file designed to start software written in Java whose code resides on the Internet.

This type of application does nothing more than downloading the code of the program in question to the computer, starting immediately after a valid instruction before executing it. In other words, a JNLP file Java program is nothing more than a "starter". To start it correctly, you must first install the Java environment on your work computer. In subsequent lines, I will take care to explain how to do this on both Windows and macOS. I guarantee that by following the instructions carefully I will provide.

Table of contents

How to open JNLP files in Windows

As I already mentioned in the introductory lines, files of this tutorial, JNLP is the "launcher" of web applications written using the language Java. Inside them, they contain information related to the Internet address where the actual program's executable file is located, as well as the initialization class to implement (which is the first useful "directive" to start the Java application's execution flow. questions)

In other words, a JNLP file is nothing more than the creator of a program written in Java, which resides somewhere on the Internet. As a result, to open this type of file correctly (and the program with which it is associated) it is necessary to have a pre-installed Java environment on the computer.

Java installation

If you have Windows, and you want to open the JNLP files but you have not yet done the Java installation, you can run coverage as follows: First, connected to the Java website, press the button Accept and continue to follow the law on cookies for. Then click on the button Java Free Download, to access the software installation page.

At this point, click the button Accept and start the free download to download the installation file immediately (eg. JavaSEuXXXX.exe ) on the computer. And, after the download is complete, start the program mentioned and press the button, Yes to start the Java environment setup process immediately.

Then, press the button Install to confirm the desire to proceed and if an announcement about the Oracle Java SE roadmap appears, press the button accepts to confirm that you have read it. From now on, the Java environment should be set up automatically. You can check progress through a green bar attached to the window displayed on the screen. Finally, press the Open button located in the warning window related to the completion of the installation.

The game, now at this stage, is practically called: Put the computer on the computer. The JNLP file you want to start and double click on it, just like you would any other program: a few seconds. After, if everything is fixed, you should see security information related to file execution.

If the file does not open, you can right-click its icon and select the item. Open with ...> Other / Other applications From the proposed menu: When you go to the selection panel, select the application Java (TM) Web Launcher from the list of available programs.

After ensuring that the author of the post is trustworthy, click on the RUN button to confirm the desire to open the program in question and wait for the corresponding Java application to open. this is the matter!

Note: Pay attention to JNLP files, because Java applications on the Internet may contain unwanted surprises such as viruses, malware, etc. Therefore, to avoid accidental damage to your data or computer, make sure to start only those files that you know where they come from.

In case of problems

Wait, are you telling me that you were unsuccessful to open JNLP files using the technique described above, even if you have followed all the instructions in a universal way; You may then have to "re-associate" the JNLP extension to run through Java to notify the application for the operating system. Open the type of file under consideration.

how? Simple: First, right-click the JNLP file in question, click on the item property attached to the proposed context menu, open the tab Change General and press the button.. with the section open.

At this point, click on the item. Other applications ... y Find other applications on this PC and, using the File Explorer / Windows Explorer panel displayed on the screen, I moved to the folder containing the Java executable files (which, in most cases, is the C: program. Files (x86) java jrexxx_yyy bin o C: Program Files (x86) java jrexxx_yyy bin ). Then select the file javaws.exe with a double click. Finally, press the Accept button on the File Properties screen, and try running it again with a double click: the result is guaranteed!

How to Open JNLP Files on Mac

The strength of programs written in Java is their cross-platform nature. These types of applications can, in fact, run on any operating system that has been previously installed in a Java environment. As a result, seen exactly for Windows, the first thing to do is to open JNLP files on macOS to proceed with the installation of the entire Java system.

how? Very simple: once again, you have to initially connect to the Java download page. Then click on the button Accept and Continue Consent for the use of cookies. After that click on the button Java Free Download and repeat the operation with the button Accept and Start Free Download is attached to the following screen.

Once the installation file is obtained (eg. JRE-xxx-macosx-x64.dmg ), run it without hesitation and double-click the package icon that appears on the screen to start the Java environment installation process. .

At this point, click the button Open Write Password Press the button in the next text box from the Mac Installation Wizard and follow the on-screen instructions to continue. What you should do is click the install button (in the accept located inside the dialog box related to the Oracle Java SE roadmap, repeating the operation if necessary) and open the installation process to complete.

At this stage, all you have to do is locate the JNLP file you are interested in opening, right-click, and select your preview. Click Open from the proposed menu and confirm the desire to open the file by pressing Open. You should do this only the first time you open the file, to "get past" the restrictions imposed by macOS against applications from non-certified developers.

If everything has gone in the right direction, the system should show a summary screen in the application you are trying to open. If the author of the post is as you expect, press or run RUN immediately start executing the file, and you are done.

In case of problems

If, after trying to open the JNLP file following the above instructions, absolutely nothing happens. You may need to restore associations. Files of this type indicate to the operating system that the correct program will be used to open them (in this case, Java Launcher).

This is very easy to do. First, right-click on a JNLP file to anyone. Select the item Get Info from the proposed context menu and expand the section with Open by clicking the corresponding arrow. Then, from the drop-down menu at the bottom, select the item More ... and wait for the window to select the program that will be used to open the document.

At this point, move the top drop-down menu (initially identified by the item) applications to the option Mac for (your name). Select Mac Disk from the left part of the window and, using adjacent panels, go to the folder System> Library> CoreServices then select the application Java Web Start from the list in the right pane. If it cannot be selected, be careful to configure the option All applications allow in the drop-down menu.

When you are done, press the button to add and press the button to start from the same app for all JNLP files, edit all ... follow y.

Problems and errors

After trying to open a JNLP file did you come to face with a mess error message? So the problem may be due to the digital signature associated with the file.

By default, the Java application execution policy in macOS is much more restrictive than that installed in Windows. For this reason, some applications that do not have valid digital signatures may not work. Addressing this deficiency is relatively simple: in fact, it is possible to ensure that control over digital signatures is not handled at all so that you can run any type of JNLP file without compromising security-related errors.

However, be aware that doing so may compromise system security, as the JNLP file does not have valid signatures that can pose a threat to the integrity of the data and the computer.

Do you want to continue anyway? OK, no problem. First, log into the dock attached to the gear bar while pressing the Settings Mac iconSelect the item Java and wait for the configuration panel to open automatically. If it does not, do it yourself by pressing the button and open the Java Control Panel again.

At this point, click on the tab Advanced. Put a checkmark next to the item Do not verify (not recommended) ) Check for the revocation of signed code certificates accordinglyAnd repeat the operation with the same element corresponding to the section but check the TLS certificate revocationFinally, remove the checkmark from entry Enable exclusion list revocation verification. Apply the change by pressing the button and apply y good.

Once this is complete, try again. Open JNLP files. Your interest through the process described above: You should have no problem now!

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