How to restore Google on mobile devices

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How to restore Google on mobile devices

How to reinstall Google on mobile devicesFor a few days, you have been experiencing problems in the Google application on your smartphone: sometimes it shuts down abnormally, other times it does not perform your tasks correctly. You tried to remove it but noted that the problem was not resolved and therefore the data may have remained in memory which may have caused the malfunction.

At this point, you really wish you could solve the problem without a smartphone reset, but you don't know-how. In this tutorial, I will explain how to restore Google on mobile devices, showing all the procedures to be performed to reset Google applications on Android and iOS, and steps to follow to restore data from a Google account on a device.

Table of contents

How to restore Google on mobile devices on Android

Reinstall Google on Android if you need it. In the following paragraphs, I will show you some tips to follow to solve the most common problems in applications.

In addition, I will also point out the procedures to be performed to restore a Google account in which you have synchronized your smartphone data.

Restore Google home page

If you no longer see Google's website as the home page when you start Google Chrome, you can restore everything in a few simple steps.

First, start the application Google Chrome, which you find preinstalled in your smartphone, and tap the icon ( ⋮ ), located in the upper right corner.

From the context menu, touch Settings and press the word HomeOn the new screen, you saw, be sure to move the lever up ON and that, open this page under the title, the site is indicated

If you had to read a different website, press Open this page and enter the text field with the button Save the confirmation of the process.

Now, on the main screen, by pressing the icon a house symbol located in the upper left, you can access the main page of the famous search engine.

If on opening Google Chrome does not show the initial page you set, probably because you have many tabs open that miss the last of your searches.

You can close them by touching the icon. A square symbol and a number inside, located in the upper right corner.

You can scroll various tabs with a vertical swipe on the screen and close them by simply pressing the button icon (X) that you find in the upper right corner of each of them.

Reinstall Google application

If you are troubled by Google's pre-installed apps, the only solution available is to restore them to the original factory version.

In fact, most Google apps cannot be uninstalled from Android smartphones, unless you have your own root permissions, which I'll talk about in the next paragraph.

To perform this operation, with the Go to Settings smartphone, using the icon, the gear symbol is located on the home screen.

Touch the item Scroll through the list of applications and all applications installed on the device, until you find the one you recently had trouble with.

After finding it, tap it, then click the button Disable and confirm the operation by pressing the element Disable application on the screen which is shown to you. Then press the button Accept at the prompt shown on the screen and the app will be replaced by the factory version.

Additionally, click on memory and press two buttons Delete data y Clear the cache, to ensure that you have deleted all the data from the application. With this process, you did not uninstall the application, but returned it to its original version, without all the information that was saved until then.

Now is the time to update the application. Open the Play Store, through its icon (a reverse color triangle symbol ), which you will find on the home screen. Click on Cone ☰ ) located in the upper left, and from the menu, select My Applications and My Games.

Card update, press button cool, in correspondence with Google application, be restored or press button Update all.

By performing this operation, you will have a clean install of the application in the last update, with the possibility that the issues you have previously encountered have been resolved.

Reinstall the Google app from the root

The procedure I showed you in the previous paragraph is valid in the device with root and without both of them. If the smartphone has root permission, you can follow another process, which includes uninstalling the application and hence, the subsequent installation.

To perform this operation, you can use the application Terminal emulator for Android, available for free in the Play Store. Install button app installed, the I agree and finally open.

Once the application is started, you will be shown a black screen with a terminal, where you will have to go into type commands. First, then in the Type command, the keyboard entered after the button, the root permission for the attribute to the terminal. Now, type the word debloat and press the Enter button.

After a few seconds, you will see the menu item, which will be selected using the numbers or letters displayed on the side. Enter the value 1, to see the list of system applications ( system applications ) and wait for the list of all pre-installed applications on the device.

Now scroll through the screen, identify the number of the application that you want to delete, and confirm it with the process to enter the terminal, button enterThen type the letter Y > enter to return to the main menu.

Enter the value 0 and enter confirmation againBy restarting the phone, you will be able to verify that the Google app you selected has been removed.

If, following the procedure I mentioned in the previous lines, you should still find the Google application on the home screen, follow the suggestions in the previous paragraph, which will have you completely uninstall it this time.

To install it, find the name of the Google application in the search bar Google Play Store, whose icon is the symbol of the inverted triangle on the home screen, and press the button Install and open.

I suggest that you do not uninstall important Google applications, such as the Play Store o Google services, which may be removed if the Android operating system malfunctions.

Restore Google Account

All information related to the smartphone's settings, application data, and other data that can be restored in the event of a device restart. However, this backup feature must first be enabled on the phone. Otherwise, you will not be able to perform a Google Account recovery operation.

To verify what was said in the previous lines, open Settings Android, using the icon with the gear icon you find on the home screen and tap the item Account > Google and then select Google AccountOn the new screen you saw, be sure to move all the levers in position.

Now press the back button, until you return to the main screen Settings Android and select the item Backup and Restore.

Tickets sure to back up my data y automatic recovery has set the lever ON and if they did not move off to the ON K

In this way, by reinstalling the smartphone, which I told you about this guide, you will be able to enter the access data and restore the Google Account and the information it contains: for example, you can restore the application in the address book or Can see the contact.

The restore operation occurs during the initialization phase of the device, following the process indicated on the screen, in the configuration wizard.

How to restore Google on iOS on mobile devices

If you want to restore Google account or app information on iPhone, you can do some procedures which you can consult in the following paragraphs. The advice I will give you is quite simple and you will be successful in reaching your goal.

Restore Google home page

If you want to reinstall the Google Start Page browser, this is the most appropriate section for you. In the following lines, in fact, I'll show you the tasks that will be done on the iPhone to set Google as the home page in Safari o Google Chrome.

En Safari, it is not possible to set the home page directly when opening the browser. However, you can perform two operations that can help you achieve your goal successfully.

First, you can see if Google is the browser's search engine: To do this, launch the app Settings. The gear symbol is present on the home screen through its icon, scroll the screen that opens, touch the item. Safari > Search Engine and Google Must Check.

When you do this process, when you start the application Safari In the search bar at the top, you can type any word to search on Google.

Another operation you can try to implement is A link redirect to Google on the home screen every time you select it. To perform this operation, start Safari and type the address in the address bar is Google.

Now, press the icon with the arrow symbol you find in the bar below, and between the objects that appear on the screen, press the word that shows the pronunciation Add to home.

Click on Add, an icon will be created on the top right and the iPhone Home screen starting Safari is being shown directly on the Google home page.

If you request instead, on Google Chrome iOS, you can restore Google as the default search engine through application settings. Then start Google Chrome through its icon on the home screen, tap the icon ( ⋮ ) you find in the upper right corner, and select the item from the context menu Settings > Search EnginePut a checkmark on the article Google and confirm the final by pressing the key.

With this process, you must have installed Google as a search engine, using it every time you search for something through the address bar at the top.

Reinstall Google application

If you encounter a problem with the Google application on the iPhone, you can try to delete all the information and data on the iPhone. To do this, the gear symbol is present on the home screen using the icon with the Open Settings iOS.

Click General > Free space for iPhone and scroll the screen until you find the Google app you are bothered by. After that select Confirm cancellation with Remove, application button Remove application.

Now all you have to do is open the App Store, whose icon is a style symbol of "A", and use the search bar to find the Google app you just removed. You can install it back into phone memory by pressing the button Obtener and finally open.

Restore Google Account

En iPhone - You can add a Google account to sync some information with it. This process can only be done for certain data, such as mail, contacts, calendar, and notes.

To verify that each option is enabled, access the application settings (with the icon gear icon ) present on the iPhone home screen.

Scroll down the screen and tap Account and Password to get the Account Management section on the device.

Then press the Gmail account and make sure the items you want to sync are set to ONFrom now on, all data from the Google account will be synchronized with the iPhone.

In case you have to reset an iPhone and restore Google account, open it Settings iOS and account and password > Add account > Google and do the process shown on the screen to add Google account and sync your data.

How to restore Google on mobile devices so far.

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