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What is CSS and why it is used with HTML?


Hello friends do you know what CSS is and why it is used with HTML and other programming languages. In the previous article, we had read about HTML and in that article we also mentioned CSS. But in today's article, we will explain CSS in detail. 

Let me tell you one more thing that after reading this post, you must read HTML which you will find on this website. After reading this, you can go to Recent Post or search in the search bar. When you read both these posts, then you will understand HTML and CSS better. So let's see what CSS is - 

What is CSS?

It is a designing language whose full form is Cascading Style Sheets, which is mostly used in designing web pages. Apart from this, it is also used to give a good look at Game and Application. With this help, any HTML documents can be made quite attractive and beautiful. 

CSS is an independent language, meaning that no program can be created using only this language. It is used to design CSS a program along with other programming languages. Whenever a website is created, it is mainly made up of HTML, CSS, JavaScript in which HTML creates the content and frame of that website, CSS design it like changing the color of its text or applying any animation, etc.

Whereas JavaScript is used for User Interaction in web pagesOverall CSS is a programming language whose syntax is made attractive in any HTML web page by its color and font style etc. 

How many parts of CSS are divided into (Types of CSS) 

Based on its use in any programming language, it is divided into three parts - 

  • Inline CSS 
  • Internal CSS
  • External CSS

Inline CSS 

As the name suggests, this type of CSS is done on one line or one word. For example, if there is a very long paragraph and only three or four lines of it have to change the color or font, then such CSS is used. And if a heading is to be designed, it is also used.

Internal CSS 

It is used to design CSS for many paragraphs or headings present in a web page. For example, a web page can have a lot of paragraphs or headings and it can take too much time to customize them by using Inline CSS because only one line or tag can be customized with the help of Inline CSS. 

But using internal CSS, all the paragraphs of any web page can be designed to be CSS simultaneously. Some CSS Tags are used in Internal CSS and those tags are put in the Head. For example, if all the paragraphs of a web page have to be designed by CSS, then the CSS Tag and Tag <p> of the paragraph is written in its head itself. 

External CSS 

This type of CSS is used when decorating many pages of a website in the same way. A website has many pages and if all the pages have to apply the same type of CSS, a lot of time will be wasted in decorating one page. External CSS is used to save this time. 

In this, by coding the CSS, it is saved in the .css extension and it is implemented in whatever HTML Documents have to be used and thus CSS is applied in all the pages of the website. Keep in mind that its coding is done separately and the extension to save it is .css. 

Why should learn CSS? 

If you are learning web development or planning to build a website, then you must learn CSS. You must have known that HTML is used in web development, but CSS and javascript are used to make it attractive and user friendly. Apart from this, it is also in great demand in Gaming and another programming. 

Anyway, if you have learned HTML then you will have to learn CSS because without CSS learn you are hard to get a job on the strength of HTML and can not even build a good website. This language is quite used in the world of programming because nowadays everyone wants their software or application to look attractive to the people. 

When and how to create CSS (Inventor of CSS)

Like HTML, it was also created at CERN by HÃ¥kon Wium Lie and was working with Tim Berners-Lee at the timeCERN is a nuclear laboratory in Europe and Tim Berners-Lee used to work as a computer man here. He invented the World Wide Web (www) in 1989 and HTML was also created around the same time by Tim Berners-Lee. 

Subsequently, in 1994, HÃ¥kon Wium Lie created CSS language and it was managed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). The first Stable Version of CSS came to be known as CSS1 in 1996 and by then there were many improvements. Currently, the latest version of CSS is CSS3 and HTML of Html 5. An interactive web page is created using both languages ​​of the same version. 

Why is CSS necessary for a web developer? 

Accordingly, nowadays there is competition everywhere, whether it is a job or a startup. For example, if someone runs a restaurant, then he will think that I should design my restaurant with a good CSS and create new products so that more and more customers come and their sales are more. The same applies to concept web development as well. 

People will not like it until the website you have created looks good and attractive. And that website will not get that good Authority Build. That's why CSS matters a lot in web development so that a website can be given a good look.


Friends, I hope you enjoy reading this article about CSS (CSS in Hindi)I try to write all the information in any article so that any topic can understand you better. But if there is any question or suggestion related to the article, then tell it through the comment. Share this article with your friends and subscribe to our blog for similar information