How to hide apps on Huawei

Media, Social Media, Apps
How to hide apps on Huawei

 How to hide apps on HuaweiIf you want to keep some apps secret on your phone, we will show you how to do it.

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Tutorial: How to Hide Applications on Huawei

Nova launcher

My first suggestion is Nova Launcher, an optional launcher that allows you to customize the Android home screen and take advantage of many cool features, including the ability to create folders on the desktop (with a list of all applications installed on a smartphone/tablet screen ) And hide includes the application icon you want to keep private.

Nova Launcher is free to download and use. However, some features, including Hide the application on Huawei, require the purchase of a license at a price of 4.50 euros (although you can often find it at a discounted price).

First, install Nova Launcher on your device in the same way as any other app available on the Play Store. Proceed to your purchase again via the Nova Launcher Prime App (license to unlock the paid features of the launcher) and the Play Store.

At this point, I need to make Nova Launcher the default launcher on your smartphone or tablet. To do this, go to the menu Settings (a) gear icon of Android is located on the home screen), upload application, press the button Advanced (bottom left), and select the item Default Settings y Application Start Screen which appears later Huh.

Finally, place a checkmark next to the item Nova Launcher, press the button Edit, and is ready.

Now you can take action and hide the apps you want to keep private. So, make a long touch on the "blank" point on the home screen (thus a point on the screen where there are no icons), select the item from the settings menu that appears below, and selects the item from the screen that opens the application menu.

Go to the end of the menu, tap the item App Hide and Czech Mark Find next to apps that you want to hide behind the arrow and installed you are apps that you select now your smartphone (or tablet) apps Will not appear in the list.

When in doubt, you can return to your steps and restore an icon display by simply returning to the menu. Settings> Application menu> Hide application from Nova Launcher and removing the check from the app you want to see again.

Is the icon you want to hide on the home screen of your device, not in the drawer? In this case, you just have to delete it.

Long tap on the app icon to delete and select the item from the menu that appears on the Quitar screen.


If you do not want to leave the default Huawei Launcher, you can hide the apps by rooting your device and installing the free application AppHider, which allows you to remove icons from Android.

If you had never heard of that, the root is a process that allows you to get administrative permissions on Android and operate in a way that would not normally be allowed by the operating system.

It is not very difficult to perform, but it often leads to the decomposition of the warranty and the cancellation of all the data in the memory of the smartphone (or tablet).

Once your device is rooted, open the Play Store and download AppHider, just like you would any other app.

At the end of the process, start the application and give it root permissions by pressing the first buttonNow the check is ok. Once this is completed, you are ready to take action.

Therefore, press the button (+) at the bottom right, select the applications you want to hide, and press the button Hide (bottom) to complete the operation.

You will be prompted to create a PIN to protect AppHider from unauthorized changes (to prevent anyone from accessing the app without permission and to make the hidden app reappear).

Accept and enter the PIN you want to use twice in a row.

mission accomplished! Now when you access your device's home screen, you will see that the applications you have selected are hidden and thus no longer visible.

To return your steps and restore your screen, open AppHider, enter the PIN to unlock the application, select the application that will be displayed again on the home screen, and press the button. Unhide what appears in the center of the screen.

App Hider

Are you not rooting your Huawei smartphone or tablet and don't want to leave the Chinese company's default launcher? In that case, you can contact App Hider, a free application (with an advertising banner) that allows you to place applications inside a protected folder.

This is not as effective as AppHider (as some applications are no longer working well if they are hidden inside this protected container), but as an alternative to Nova Launcher and solutions that provide the root of the phone, there is nothing better.

To download an app header on your device, all you have to do is open the Play Store and download the application.

The operation is complete, but do not exit the Play Store. First Download App Header Lite 64 Support - A plugin for App Header that allows you to run certain applications that may crash normally once included in the application container.

Once everything is installed, start the app header, press the button (+)add applications, select the applications you want to hide from the home screen and Android drawer, and press the button Import applications.

Wait for the application to be imported into the app header container (your icons must be fully colored) and set a security pin to prevent changing app settings without anyone's permission.

To activate the unlock pin, press the gear icon located in the top right, relative to the ON option, enter the lever app header protection, and the unlock pin you want to use for the app twice in a row.

At this point, tap on the icon of the apps that you have included in the app header and see if they work properly. If the test is successful, you can uninstall and remove the app from the Android drawer and home screen.

From this point, the applications you uninstall will only be available in the Hider app, and if called from the app container, they will continue to function normally.

To underline that if you have enabled Hider App Lock via PIN, the app icon will change to the calculator and the calculator + will appear on the Android desktop.

When in doubt, to remove an app from the app header container, all you have to do is select the latter, long tap on its icon, drag it delete it appears in the upper right, and confirm (responding the accept the warning that appears on the screen).

Other Useful Tips

If instead of hiding the application from the desktop or Android home screen, you want to block access to the latter with a PIN, you can use Norton App Lock.

This application is free (produced by Symantec, the famous software house Norton Antivirus) that allows you to block access to any application with custom code.

It does not require root and is very easy to use.

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