Ranking products on Amazon with Facebook and Instagram

Street Lights
Ranking products on Amazon with Facebook and Instagram

 In this lesson, I go over the powerful strategy that Amazon and E-commerce sellers have with branding. Branding is the key to a thriving brand. When you use the channels of Instagram and Facebook correctly, people will actually buy more of your products on Amazon without you having to sacrifice your profit.

Branding on social media eliminates the need for heavy PPC on channels that are not creating long-term customers. When you do branding, which you will be learning and be implementing during this course, you might eventually see a dramatic reduction in your PPC spend, since the branding effect through content, will produce more sales and recurring revenue than any PPC strategy ever could.

By branding I mean, having people SEE your brand consistently. Just like the “Rule of 7” describes: The Marketing Rule of 7 states that a prospect needs to “hear” the advertiser’s message at least 7 times before they’ll take action to buy that product or service.

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