How Can You Make the World a Better Place Through Your Brand? |
In this lesson, your content strategy will begin to have clarity. When I do seminars all over the world, this is the main point I attempt to drive home: How are you changing the world through your brand or service? There could be a million other people selling similar products but the way you differentiate yourself is by providing value first before asking.
There is so much content being provided in the world today that if you don’t get into content generation mode (images, videos, articles, freebies, podcasts) your competition will likely stand out in the end. There are many examples of this. You might think” But my company& my brand is not SEXY. Content will not work for me”. I want you to rethink that. Content is how you expose your brand, how you create the Coca-Cola effect. Content is how you make people into repeat customers. Content is how you become “Pampers” instead of diapers. Putting yourself out there for others to see you, and providing something of value to them whether that is entertainment or practical info. This is the way to go.
If you are convinced that content is not for you, I want you to take a look at this example from a very NON-SEXY line of products: MATTRESSES. They have figured it out. I’m not saying that you have to be like them but it does give you an idea.
Check these guys out and then analyze for as long as possible how can you leave your grain of salt in the social media world: